Club Network Journal 🌱 003: a conversation with COLORSxCOMMUNITY
Welcome to issue 003 of Club Network Journal, your biweekly check-in with the ever-growing Seed Club ecosystem 🌱
In this issue:
A conversation with COLORSxCOMMUNITY in their post-launch glory.
An update from the Accelerator Team.
From the Studio Desk: a conversation with COLORSxCOMMUNITY
For this week’s Seed Club Project spotlight, we sat down with the team behind COLORSxCOMMUNITY DAO.
Colors! Welcome to Club Network Journal. Thanks for taking the time to sit down with us, over a digital doc. For anyone who doesn’t know who you are, give us a quick rundown: Colors is a robust community outside of the crypto ecosystem; why were you interested in launching in web3?
COLORS to date has built up an audience of millions, mostly through the flagship COLORS Show format on YouTube that has featured over 600 musicians from around the world. We’ve found web3 to be the easiest way for us to integrate and collaborate with our global community in an equitable way through the co-creation of a DAO and a playbook of progressive decentralization.
Colors recently launched their genesis community NFT. Talk to us about this launch: what were the most exciting and most challenging parts of the process?
To us, the most exciting aspect is that we finally get to build our community on-chain. We’ve put 1,000 NFTs on sale and reserved another 700 to make sure our team and all past COLORS Show alumni get set up with ways to participate on-chain. We also did a retroactive airdrop of 1 single NFT per core contributor of the community so far.
A challenge was that we were working with quite a small budget and timeframe, so we had to experiment with constraints. We gathered a lot of advice and decided to turn the Founding Pass NFT itself into a canvas for non-ordinary expression – ideally we want as much as possible of what we do to be a stage for artistry. This means that we decided to let the Founding Passes double as mint passes. Seasonally, the passes will showcase exceptional art, which can be collected (perhaps for a fee) in a gallery we are currently conceptualizing.
What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned so far building in web3? How are you building differently?
The fact that it’s the easiest way to do certain things. Web3 feels hard, but try creating a community with a shared treasury in any other way. The more complicated our operations get, the easier web3 starts to feel.
What lessons (if any) are you taking with you from your pre-web3 days?
Community means everything. We are not reinventing psychology or social psychology. We are just giving communities better rails.
“Community means everything.”
Do you have any words of wisdom for people beginning their web3 building journey?
Balance reading & doing well. You may ‘know’ certain things, but you won’t really understand them until you actually do them. The implication of a shared treasury is actually hard to understand if you’ve never set up a multisig. Once you do stuff, it just ‘clicks’ and moves from intellectually abstract to pragmatic and fun.
What do you all have coming up that you’d like the community to know about?
We are working on our first official season as a newly formed DAO. Establishing ways to editorialize, contextualize, and spotlight artists from around the world as a community. Additionally, we will be working on IRL activations and partnerships in and around the Web3 space. Join us on our Discord to learn more and pick up a ‘Founding Pass’
From the Accelerator Team
The countdown to the Accelerator applications begins ⏳ Keep an eye on our Twitter for upcoming Spaces with Merna and some special guests 👀
For June, we’re hosting three additional touchpoints for prospective projects to engage with our collaborators and alumni. Submit this interest form for more details on how to get in on the fun 👇